Grade 10 Curriculum

Welcome to Grade 10, a pivotal year in a student’s high school experience. Our curriculum page for Grade 10 focuses on expanding horizons with specialized subjects, career exploration, and the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Join us on this journey of academic and personal growth.


Equip yourself with strategies to excel in tests and assessments.

Cultivate critical thinking skills to solve complex problems effectively.

Harness the power of study groups and collaboration for enhanced learning outcomes.

Refine your career choices with focused exploration and decision-making.

Strategically plan your academic journey to achieve your goals.

Build essential career skills to succeed in your chosen profession.

Prepare rigorously for your chosen competitive examination with a solid strategy.

Master collaboration and conflict resolution skills for effective teamwork.

Enhance team dynamics through effective communication strategies.

Develop team problem-solving abilities and foster innovation.

Begin your journey into leadership roles, understanding the responsibilities they entail.

Cultivate leadership skills to lead with confidence and impact.

Dive deep into advanced lateral thinking techniques for creative problem-solving.

Learn to monitor progress and reaffirm that you are following activities for mental well-being.

Explore advanced levels of creativity and innovative thinking.

Build and present your portfolio effectively to showcase your accomplishments.

Analyse contemporary art through critical thinking and cultural understanding.

Master advanced strategies and game planning in your chosen field.

Lead with sportsmanship and integrity in competitive environments.

Understand sports nutrition and injury prevention for peak athletic performance.

Elevate your skills in advanced forms and weapons training.

Prepare for advanced sparring and competition with a focus on skills and strategy.

Develop leadership and teaching skills to mentor others in your field.

Achieve mastery and specialization in your chosen area of expertise.

Explore strategies for expanding and diversifying your business.

Manage finances and investments for sustainable growth.

Showcase your entrepreneurial ventures and reflect on your journey.

Gain insights into global conflict resolution and peacebuilding efforts.

Understand global ethical considerations and social responsibility.

Explore future perspectives on global trends and challenges.

Do you have more questions?

Contact us

2nd Floor
M-Squared Building
Technopark, TVM, Kerala – India

Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll help with the rest. Our convenient online application tool only takes 10 minutes to complete.

After you submit your application, an admissions representative will contact you and will help you to complete the process.

Once you’ve completed your application, a representative will connect with you.


Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?